Overview of VSEL Therapy

The adult pluripotent stem cell treatment we offer uses VSEL Stem Cells Treatment, [Very Small Embryonic Like Stem Cells], also referred to as V-Cells. They are also called peripheral blood stem cells, blastomeres or stembios cells. Formed in bone marrow, they are approximately 1/3rd the size of other adult stem cells and are non-tumorigenic. These cells measure between 2-4 microns compared to erythrocytes at about 7 microns and other stem cells that are over 10 microns. In fact, they are so small that they have the capacity to reach the parts that other cells cannot reach, including crossing the blood-brain barrier. They normally circulate in peripheral blood through our body in an inactive form and activation only occurs when our body faces extreme stress such as low oxygen, low body temperature or significant injuries. They have also been described as primordial adult stem cells that in some ways are close to being omnipotent.

Our procedure is to draw blood and then separate the VSEL Stem Cells Treatment from other cells using state of the art cell processing technology. The cells are then activated using certain proprietary means including the use of light and temperature. Finally, we combine these adult pluripotent stem cells (APSCs) with powerful growth factors harvested from your own platelet cells from the same blood sample.

The active APSCs and growth factors can now be returned to the body through an intravenous injection (IV) or by injection to a specific site. Once in the blood stream, the VSELs Therapy will go to work, seeking out areas of injury, inflammation and degeneration to begin the repair and regeneration process.

This procedure has helped with inflammation and autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis to name just two. It has caused a significant reversal in Osteoporosis (which can be considered an autoimmune disease) in less than a year of treatment. Improved bone density without the deleterious side effects of most traditional treatments is a very significant issue. The procedure also works quite well for most musculoskeletal conditions, particularly joint repair.

Telomere Extension

Another very interesting and important aspect about these vsel therapy is that they trigger the secretion of Telomerase, the enzyme that restores the DNA telomere ends.

Telomere degradation is a relentless process linked to aging and its associated diseases. Your telomeres were in better condition this morning than when you will go to bed tonight. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to save babies’ cord blood. Furthermore, it is even recommended that adults may want to consider storing their stem cells in a bank to have a supply of cells with a reasonable telomere length. In some ways this is like an insurance plan.

Someday, those same cells may be used to correct a disease process that has developed. They may be used to save your life. Typically, these cells would need to be expanded by culturing them. After the culturing process they could potentially be utilized in disease treatment. This procedure would need to be done outside the US under current regulations.

Short telomeres are associated with many different diseases ranging from cancer, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and many neurological conditions including Alzheimer’s Disease, one of the scourges of modern society. The diagram below shows the difference in size between an embryonic cell and adult cell as far as the DNA and its telomere is concerned. Whilst embryonic cells have much higher regenerative capacity, they have numerous pitfalls which currently limit their use in a regenerative capacity. Furthermore, there are ethical issues associated with them. This is why the earliest recommended material to be banked is cord blood.

Trials have shown that VSEL Stem Cells Treatment properly extracted, concentrated, activated and enriched with the correct growth factors have yielded cells with increased telomere length, measured on white blood cell [WBC] leukocytes for up to six months after treatment. This is a repeatable procedure. It is important to note that our procedure of V-Cell stimulation and activation is a propriety procedure, including our own unique growth factor formulations.

In summary, VSEL/V-Cells are used principally for tissue regeneration and anti-aging applications and are taking on increasing importance in our armamentarium of cells.

Although our unique process is done over three days, including preparation, very little time is required from the patient.If you’re looking for cutting-edge regenerative treatments, consider exploring “VSEL therapy near me” for personalized solutions. 

To determine which treatment is best suited to your needs, please contact us.

Our VSEL therapy offers advanced benefits in anti-aging and tissue regeneration. To find a nearby provider or learn more, search “VSEL therapy near me” or contact us directly for a consultation tailored to your specific needs.

Mobilization Studies of Circulating V-Cells

There is a 25-30% increase in the number of circulating V-Cells following intense physical stress such as 1hr. of running or following the ingestion of a nutraceutical (1 hr. post-ingestion).

This is a transient effect in that:

Cell numbers returns to the baseline 2-3 hrs. after exercising.
Cell numbers returns to the baseline 4-6 hrs. after ingestion of a nutraceutical

There is a 50% decrease in cell numbers after 1 week of antibiotic chemotherapy with a rebound effect 72 hrs. post-therapy.

V-Cell Identification in Humans

Umbilical cord blood [UCB] identification is: CD34+, CD133+, CXCR4+, line-, CD45-.