Is your life truly thriving? Despite visiting a doctor, do you still have lingering concerns that something isn’t quite right?

Meet Dr. Bismah Irfan

My journey as a physician began with excitement and ambition, but it quickly turned into exhaustion and burnout. I was working non-stop, trying to balance my demanding career with raising my young daughter. It was a difficult time, and I didn’t realize just how much it was affecting my health until I experienced excruciating joint pain one night. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune condition that can be incredibly painful and debilitating.

As a physician, I was well aware of the powerful medications used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis and their potential side effects. I wanted to find a more natural, holistic approach to healing, so I began researching the physiology of my disease and focusing on addressing the root cause of my chronic condition.

Through my research, I discovered the importance of nutrition in treating chronic disease. I realized that many medical professionals, including myself, had very little education on nutrition-related treatments. Driven by my own experience and passion to help others, I became board certified in Lifestyle Medicine, Functional Medicine, Plant-Based Nutrition, and Homeopathy.

My experience with Rheumatoid Arthritis and my journey towards natural, holistic healing inspired me to create Kidney Health MD and now Texas Holistic MD Clinic. I take a holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on the whole person rather than just one organ or condition. I empower my patients to take control of their health by making lifestyle changes that can improve their overall well-being.

At Texas Holistic MD Clinic, I am committed to treating the whole person, not just the symptoms of disease. My approach combines years of experience in internal medicine with extensive training in Integrative and Functional Medicine, allowing me to identify critical imbalances that are the root cause of disease. I am dedicated to empowering my patients with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their health. Using the best diagnostic tools and technologies from conventional medicine, as well as emerging tools and tests, I provide a comprehensive and personalized approach to healthcare.

My goal is to help my patients achieve optimal health and wellness through a holistic and natural approach to healing. I believe that each person is unique and requires an individualized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs.

My personal experience gives me a unique perspective and a deep understanding of the challenges my patients face. I am passionate about helping others achieve their best health and live their best lives. I invite you to join me on your journey to wellness. Together, we will work towards achieving your health goals and creating a happier, healthier you.

Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you achieve optimal health and wellness at IVitality MD Clinic.


● Doctor of Medicine (MD)
● Board Certified in Internal Medicine (ABIM)
● Board Certified in Kidney Medicine (ABIM-Nephrology)
● Certified in Functional Medicine (IFMCP)
● Certified in Lifestyle Medicine (ABLM)
● Certified in Homeopathy (CEDH-USA)
● Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition (eCornell)
● Certified in Integrative Nutrition (IIN)


● Functional Cardiology
● Functional Endocrinology / Hormone Disorders
● Functional Gastroenterology
● Functional Rheumatology & Autoimmune Diseases
● Functional approach to Mitochondrial Disorders & Energy Metabolism
● Neurocognitive Disorders & Reversing Cognitive Decline (Bredesen Protocol)
● Epigenetics & Genomic Medicine
● Functional approach to Detoxification/Genetics
● Functional approach to Environmental & Food Allergies


● Functional Medicine Cleveland Clinic, Ohio
● Kidney Medicine Cleveland Clinic, Ohio
● Montefiore Medical Center, NY