EBOO Therapy

If you’re searching for EBOO ozone therapy near me, you’re at the right place!
Get first-hand experience of the IVitality’s EBOO treatment’s transformational impact. Regarding reaching your health objectives, our EBOO ozone therapy presents a unique chance to improve your quality of life and maximize your well-being.

What is EBOO Therapy?

  • EBOO is a modern variation of autohemotherapy.
  • It is a safe and reliable blood treatment.
  • EBOO has been used for 40 years.
  • For optimal effectiveness, two veins flow blood through a machine during a 25–50-minute session.
  • With longer-lasting benefits (up to 10 weeks), EBOO treats a bigger blood volume (up to 2 liters) each session than typical ozone treatments.
  • Treatment sessions usually vary from 2 to 14, depending on the illness.

Our Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) treatment is a cutting-edge medical method. It enhances general health and well-being by combining oxygenation and ozonation procedures.

Our professional, state-of-the-art treatment involves extracting a patient’s blood. This blood is then infused with a specific blend of ozone and oxygen before being reintroduced into the body.
Comprehending what is EBOO ozone therapy might be perplexing for some. EBOO is often called recirculatory hemoperfusion (RHP). Ozone therapy EBOO RHP are often used interchangeably!

How Does EBOO Work?

Our professional, state-of-the-art treatment involves extracting a patient’s blood. This blood is then infused with a specific blend of ozone and oxygen before being reintroduced into the body.

Our EBOO therapy near me benefits detoxification by eliminating dangerous toxins and infections. It also aids in the cellular oxygenation of tissues.

EBOO therapy supplements your body’s natural healing processes and boosts general vigor. It does so by:

  • Promoting blood circulation
  • Stimulating immune system

How Can EBOO Treatments Help?

If you have any of the following health conditions and you’re wondering about EBOO therapy near me, we recommend you visit us and get the treatment done ASAP!

  • =Autoimmune diseases
  • =Degenerative conditions
  • =Chronic illnesses

In addition, if you are receiving traditional medical treatments like dialysis or chemotherapy, you can look at EBOO as a supplemental therapy. However, be mindful of the treatment regimens of EBOO therapy vs dialysis.

How is EBOO Beneficial for Long COVID or Long COVID Haulers?

Have you fully recovered from COVID-19? This global pandemic was a nightmare on our planet. You might have tackled this disease with successful recovery. However, you are unaware that it is still a worrisome problem.

At IVitality, the integrative approach of EBOO for extended COVID and related indications are:

  • Root cause analysis
  • Treating Long COVID-19

Therefore, our extended experimentation has revealed that EBOO is a potentially effective treatment in this perspective.

EBOO's Advantages for Long COVID Haulers

EBOO’s multifaceted approach addresses all your immunological dysregulation and chronic inflammation. Besides, it is beneficial for people with Long COVID:

Inflammation Reduction

One important aspect of Long COVID is reducing systemic inflammation. We facilitate your treatment with EBOO. The therapy immediately addresses one of the main reasons for chronic complaints by filtering out inflammatory particles.

Better Oxygenation

Better oxygenation enhances mitochondrial performance. It is essential for the synthesis of your body’s energy. Improvements in mitochondrial activity can help reduce symptoms like mental fog and general tiredness.


The treatment aids in the removal of toxins from the blood. It is vital if your exposure to environmental toxins aggravates your long-term COVID-19 symptoms.

Immune System Modulation

By enhancing the immunological response, EBOO aids in the treatment of reactivated viral infections and other immune-related conditions that Long-term COVID patients encounter.

Benefits of EBOO for Specific Conditions

  • Increased oxygenation and blood flow to the heart.
  • Treats persistent symptoms of Lyme disease
  • Eliminating mold infection by lowering systemic inflammation.
  • Decreased inflammation to treat non-communicable diseases.
  • Increased body’s capacity to combat viral infections.

Safety Aspects to Remember!

  • EBOO is typically regarded as a safe treatment. Before beginning EBOO therapy, it is imperative to speak with a healthcare provider, particularly if you have any underlying medical issues.

Comprehensive EBOO Approaches to Long COVID

At IVitalityMD, we support treating Long COVID using an integrative method. Our goal is to give Long COVID Haulers substantial and long-lasting relief by locating and removing the underlying causes.

The following tactics should be prioritized in an integrative treatment strategy for Long COVID-19:

  • Determine and Eliminate Triggers
    Cater to persistent exposure to toxins or illnesses.
    Address environmental issues such as mold and heavy metals.
    Address simultaneous acute infections.
  • Decreased Inflammation
    Resupply your body with antioxidant-rich vitamins and minerals, like zinc, selenium, and vitamins C and B.
    Long COVID patients have low gut absorption. Therefore, use intravenous techniques for repletion.
    Encourage Mitochondrial Activity
    Add cofactors for the energy cycle, such as NAD.
    To boost ketone generation and lower carbohydrate intake, switch to a ketogenic diet (under supervision).
  • Nutritional Modifications
    Eliminate gluten from your diet.
  • Support for the Immune System
    To strengthen the immune system, use specific peptides such as thymosin beta and thymosin alpha.
    Use EBOO to lessen autoimmunity and enhance immunological control.
    A thorough strategy for treating long-term COVID entails addressing the underlying reasons for recurrent symptoms. Conventional treatments frequently fall short. They concentrate more on symptomatic alleviation than underlying problems.

Why is Filtering Important?

Blood filtration certifies the elimination of pollutants and impurities from the blood.

  • Filtering is an essential stage in the EBOO process.
  • It is mandatory to clean the blood before its reintroduction into the body.

It guarantees the highest-quality infused blood while reducing the possibility of negative responses.

Key Benefits of EBOO Therapy

Our qualified and experienced professionals claim numerous advantages of EBOO IV therapy for your mental and physical health, such as:

  • Increased Detoxification: EBOO eradicates harmful microbes and heavy metals that have accumulated from exposure to food, air, and water.
  • Decreased Inflammation: The main contributor to many ailments is chronic inflammation, which EBOO battles.
  • Better Oxygen Utilization: EBOO boosts the intake of oxygen into cells, raising energy levels and aiding in healing.
  • Pain Management: EBOO treats pain from bursitis, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Immunity Boost: EBOO empowers your body’s natural defenses. It fortifies against illnesses and infections. It gives you a revitalizing energy boost.
  • Rapid Recovery: EBOO facilitates rapid healing process after chronic illnesses, wounds, and surgery.
  • Better Sleep: After receiving EBOO therapy, many patients report having a higher-quality sleep.

Enhancement of Cognitive Function: EBOO may lessen mental haze and enhance cognitive performance.

What are the Key Benefits of EBOO Therapy?

Our qualified and experienced professionals claim numerous advantages of EBOO IV therapy 

  • Enhanced immunological response
  • Less inflammation
  • Faster wound healing
  • Better tissue oxygenation

Following EBOO treatments, our previous patients have frequently reported

  • Higher energy levels
  • Enhanced cognitive function
  • Stronger sense of general vigor
  • Better Sleep

What You Can Expect After Treatments?

Patients frequently report a notable improvement in wellness and energy levels after receiving our EBOO safe therapy. Common results include

  • Better breathing
  • Sharper thinking
  • increased vigor

We offer our patients the resources they require for healing and health maintenance. We hope to enable you to enjoy happier, healthier lives!

What is the Difference Between EBOO and Ozone Therapy?

Both EBOO ozone therapy benefits utilize ozone. However, their administration systems and regimens are different.
One important difference between EBOO treatment and conventional treatment is that EBOO involves injecting ozonated blood straight into the circulation, which enhances vitality.
EBOO therapy near me cure is often a more convenient alternative for patients because it involves fewer treatment sessions than regular ozone therapy.

EBOO Process

We utilize a sterile procedure to remove the blood from your body during the EBOO procedure. After the blood is taken, it is precisely mixed with ozone in a sterile setting. Any remaining particles are filtered out.
In the end, you will receive a second dose of the ozonated blood. It will allow it to continue working its healing magic.

How Safe is EBOO Therapy?

Our qualified medical practitioners make EBOO treatment a safe and well-tolerated operation. However, as with any medical procedure, there may be EBOO therapy side effects.

Our staff carries out EBOO in the safest way possible. You might notice unusual yet mild or temporary symptoms. These indications are most often treated on their own.

Before receiving therapy, you should always voice concerns to your healthcare professional.

How Long Does a Treatment Take?

The length of an ozone detox EBOO therapy might vary based on several unique elements, including your health and the particular protocol being followed.

A typical single session includes setup and post-treatment monitoring. It can last up to 60 to 90 minutes on average.

EBOO For Cancer

EBOO sessions can be utilized in conjunction with other integrative cancer care strategies. However, it is not a stand-alone cancer treatment.

Ozone EBOO therapy can assist in improving quality of your life. It can also increase your body’s capacity to combat cancer cells. It does so by boosting your immune function and encouraging detoxification.

It is imperative that if you already have cancer, speak with our physicians about how best to include EBOO into your treatment regimen.

EBOO Procedure Review

Our comprehensive EBOO therapy near me procedure involves several steps. We have summarized it so you can understand it easily.

The aim is to increase your blood’s quality and uplift cellular healing.

Blood Filtration

Blood filtering cleans the blood of unwanted particles, debris, and contaminants.

Infusion of Ozone Gas

In this step, ozone gas is applied to the filtered blood. It increases oxygenation.

Blood Heparinization

Heparin is an anti-coagulating agent. We use heparin to stop clotting while the surgery is being done.

Recuperation of Treated Blood

In this step, we reintroduce the treated blood into your bloodstream.


In 60 minutes, 4800 milliliters of blood is processed.

Treatment Cycle

The recommended procedure involves the combination of IV chelation treatment with EBOO therapeutic procedure.

One cycle consists of two chelation therapy and three EBOO therapies.

Overview of the Cycle

  • First EBOO: The body is primed.
  • First Chelation: Removes contaminants by cleaning the walls.
  • Second EBOO: Filters out contaminants delivered into the bloodstream as part of the second EBOO treatment.
  • Second Chelation: Cleansing is continued with the second chelation treatment.
  • Final EBOO: Brings the cycle to an end.


  • A cycle should be finished in as nearly as three weeks.
  • There should be a minimum of 7 7-day gap between each EBOO treatment.

Additional Considerable Points

  • Your medical condition may require more EBOO treatments and cycles.
  • Other infusions, including NAD+, could be used in subsequent rounds.
  • Routine EBOO treatments can be performed for maintenance every one to three months.

Which Diseases Can Be Cured with EBOO Therapy?

EBOO treatment can not directly cure any one ailment. However, we assure you that we can help you with a wide range of disorders to make you feel better with EBOO!

A few instances are:

  • Neurological diseases
  • Persistent infections
  • Autoimmune illnesses
  • Cardiovascular disease

EBOO is a flexible treatment option. Therefore, we can tailor all EBOO sessions to your wellness needs.

EBOO is a Biohacking Technology

Our EBOO treatment employs cutting-edge methods to maximize human health and performance. Many scientists see it as a type of biohacking technology.

EBOO works through the utilization of oxygenation and ozonation. This treatment presents a multitude of possible advantages, such as:

  • Greater immune function
  • Less inflammation
  • Better circulation
  • Higher energy levels

Through this cutting-edge approach to healthcare, empower yourself to take charge of your health and attain the best possible results.


So, are you prepared to increase your energy and well-being?

Visit our EBOO ozone therapy clinic in Houston, United States. Set up a consultation with our skilled medical staff right now. Learn how much does EBOO therapy cost. Take the first step toward a healthier, more energetic YOU!