Choosing a safe and effective medical treatment for achieving specific body sculpting goals is essential. Considering this demand of users, professionals have introduced a procedure known as the Emsculpt NEO treatment. In which HIFEM and RF heating energy techniques are used to decrease fat and build better muscle tone. However, like any other medical treatment, there are some negative aspects and side effects of using this treatment. That you need to consider before using it. Knowing what is the side effect of Emsculpt NEO can help you deal with them efficiently. Check out more information from IVitality.

A Comprehensive Guide To Learn What Is The Side Effect Of Emsculpt NEO?

The following are the incredible factors you must know about. To understand what is the side effect of Emsculpt NEO treatment. 

Normal Side Effects Of NEO Emsculpt:

What is the side effect of Emsculpt NEO? The first factor is that you need to know about various normal side effects. You can experience after taking this treatment. Most users have experienced a successful treatment without any side effects and requiring time to rest. So the effects of this treatment are diminished. However, it is natural if you are experiencing some normal side effects after this treatment. Which are normal to moderate in nature. 

  • You can experience soreness in your muscles which is because of the intense muscle contraction feature of this treatment. Just like you do an intense workout session and your muscles get sore afterward, you will experience this side effect. But the extent of soreness differs in every individual according to their body mass index, fitness goals, the specific area. Of the body they took treatment on, etc. The soreness is easy to bear and this side effect will diminish after one or two days normally. 
  • The use of radio frequency heating technology can provide heat and warmth to the specific body part. And when the heat is given for a prolonged period, it can cause redness and warmth to your skin. But it is the most common side effect and after the treatment ends, it also diminishes. 
  • You can also experience feeling numb or tingling after getting this treatment. This is because of the intense muscle spasms technology and once you recover from muscle soreness and spasms. You can get rid of this temporary numbing and tingling feeling too. 
  • After the session, you can also experience swelling in specific body parts. Which are because of the body’s natural inflammatory reactions. It can diminish within a few hours or a whole day after your treatment is completed.

Rare But Dangerous Side Effects:

What is the side effect of Emsculpt NEO? The second factor is that even though there are few chances of serious side effects from this treatment. You should know about them for your own protection and safety. These side effects and reactions occur when the medical equipment is not used properly. Or you are suffering from any health conditions and still taking this treatment. In these situations, people who ask whether can Emsculpt go wrong to find a suitable answer. 

  • The RF heating energy used in this treatment can provide a massive amount of heat. Which can burn or damage your skin, leading to various casualties. To ensure you stay safe from such conditions. Make sure you are taking this treatment from a qualified and expert practitioner. Because they know how much intensity of heat to use and how to use a specific equipment. 
  • You can also experience muscle injuries and strains because of using high-intensity muscle spasm technology improperly. Professionals must ensure that you are getting muscle contractions in a suitable range according to your specific fitness goals. Otherwise it can lead to various muscle issues.  
  • If you have any medical conditions in which metal implants are placed on certain body parts. Then it can lead to various negative issues because Emsculpt NEO treatment uses electromagnetic energy which can prove dangerous. For these metal implants. Plus, if you have any health conditions and you’re still taking this treatment without consulting with a professional medical expert. Then you can face various health issues.

How To Deal With These Side Effects?

The third factor is that if you want to deal with these side effects and enjoy a successful treatment. Without any side effects. 

  • Then you must use the services of a professional and expert practitioner after consulting with him and discussing. Your specific health goals, fitness requirements, medical history, etc. 
  • You must follow the specific guidelines provided by the professionals before and after the completion of the treatment. 
  • If you experience any unusual symptoms, then informing them on time and getting a suitable solution is important.

Wrapping Up:

To wrap up, what is the side effect of Emsculpt NEO? You must know that dealing with the side effects of this treatment is simple if you follow some basic rules. However, like any normal medical treatment, you can experience some common side effects which are temporary. But in case of severe reactions and issues, taking proper care and using the services. Of qualified and expert practitioners is suggested. You should check out the 6-week plan ozempic weight loss results for losing weight.